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come to dubai #dubai #shorts #short #shortvideo Updated for 2024

Updated: April 15, 2024

The tallest building in the world is located in Dubai.

The biggest mall in the world is in Dubai.

The largest indoor theme park in the world is IMG Worlds of Adventure, which is situated in Dubai.

The largest suspended aquarium in the world, with a 10 million litre capacity, is the Dubai Aquarium Tank!

The largest picture frame in the world is in Dubai.

The famed “Dubai Dino,” Diplodocus Longus, has a 155-million-year-old fossil on permanent exhibit in the Dubai Mall.

No other police force in the world has the panache of the Dubai Police. They have access to a variety of supercars, including the rare Bugatti, Ferrari, Bentley, Lamborghini, Camaro, Mercedes, and many more.

One of the facts about Dubai is that each resident of Dubai receives 2 grams of gold as payment for losing 2 kg of weight. 

In Dubai, the Emirates Mall offers indoor skiing.

Citizenship in the Emirate is not available to foreigners.

Even though it may surprise you, many here actually own gold-plated automobiles.

Dubai Global Village is a seasonally occurring event that takes place in the fall and winter. This event is held to highlight a nation’s or region’s uniqueness in a certain industry, such as handicrafts, food, clothing, etc.

The oldest heritage tourism destination in the city, Bastakia Quarter, is located in Bur Dubai.

In the middle of summer, Dubai’s temperatures can reach up to 50 to 55 degrees. 

There is a city with a crime rate of 0% located in Dubai.

One of the facts about Dubai is that if someone can’t pay off their obligations on time, they are considered criminals and could face life in prison.